Monday, December 8, 2008


Todays blog is about movies. I like movies very much and this post is about one movie imparticular that i feel everyone should watch. That movie is Batman The Dark Knight. That movie was the best Batman movie yet and Heath Ledger was a beast in that movie.(although so was everybody else) It was just one of those movies that you want to watch again and again, and if you havnt seen it yet i recommend that once ots out on D.V.D you netflix it or go to blockbuster and rent it or maybe even just buy it. You'll be glad that you saw this movie.


lilypotter said...

I agree. The Dark Knight rocked, and Heath the Hottie was especially good. :( Now you've made me sad, Nick.

jenfromRI said...

Oh sure. She'll comment on YOUR blog. :)

I guess I should probably see that movie soon, huh? It has to better than the ridiculous horror-zombie crap we usually watch.